Posted January 19, 2015 at 07:48 pm

I'm super pleased to announce that as of this spring Missing Monday will be joining digital publisher Hiveworks as an affiliate!
What this means for you guys: the site will be getting a makeover sometime in the near future (yay!) and the URL of the comic will be changing to (so be sure to update your bookmarks!).
Suffice to say I'm pretty excited :)
Meanwhile, I went through the archives this weekend and did some clean-up. I switched chapters 2 and 3 around so that the beginning of the story flows chronologically, as well as changing the page titles so that the archive is much easier to navigate. And, while I was at it, I upped the page size a little bit so the pages read better on standard size monitors.
There are a few other things I'd like to unveil in the near future but they'll probably have to wait until after I'm done getting ready for Emerald City Comic Con in March. Stay tuned for those!
I'm very excited for these updates, and I hope you are too! :) Thanks again for reading, commenting, and sharing Missing Monday. Here's to big things in 2015!